Procter & gamble

We activate influencers across mainstream social media platforms to drive social talkability and amplify brand awareness for new launches, boost product credibility, as well as drive consumer participation for on-ground activation.

Beauty and lifestyle creators were engaged to deliver a visually engaging and unified message for each campaign through various initiatives such as: recommending pampering activities while wearing their Procter & Gamble hair masks, embarking on a media trip to understand the science behind Herbal Essences, and sharing a before-and-after hair transformation after using the Pantene Nutrient Blends range – which successfully generated buzz and delivered an authentic and positive image of what the product has to offer.

45 Singapore Campaigns Since 2017

45 SinGapore Campaigns

since 2017

Multiple variants of Herbal Essences Shampoo and Conditioner bottles


Bear Fruits Hair Mask Products lined up


Pantene Truck Pop Up Event for Pantene Nutrient Blend



be part of our narrative.

P.S. We don’t spam.